Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Staying Motivated

I've been talking with lots of friends in the industry these days, about their mental frame of mind when business is slow in our industry. It's so funny, everyone has something different they do in order to stay "up" and motivated about their work. I've always said that the most successful people in our industry are those that really have a passion for this crazy business because if you don't, you could never put up with it! But, for those of us that live for it, we love it! When times are tough, it is usually our relationships that get us through, and this is no different. We commiserate, we laugh, we brainstorm, we collaborate. We tell stories about funny events, hysterical brides, ideas we thought would never work but did. We read "thank you" notes from happy clients, we take the opportunity to do some educational activities that we never get to do when times are crazy busy. You have to admit, we have THE BEST stories in this industry! So, let's hear them! Let's make each other laugh a little and remind each other why we stay in the special events industry through the good, the bad and the ugly times! Click on "post comments" below and start telling your stories. . .



  1. While going through my wedding information binder (I show this to couple during meetings) I noticed some photos dated from 2007!...first time I looked at the binder after a long time and shocked (naturally) I decided to update it right away. I often get from the wedding photographers, copies of beautiful photos from the beach ceremonies, cakes, gorgeous sunsets, flowers etc. and as anyone in the wedding business knows, you hardly have the time to sit down and test your craftsmanship and actually present these photos. To keep motivated I have worked on spectacular flyers and albums to show couples who visit our office looking for information. A fresh and updated album full of photos to show potential clients is a good way to keep excited about your job… and think about the funny stories of past wedding that go along with the pictures and find myself laughing again
    J Nashette W. –Aruba.
    Bucuti Beach Resort’s Wedding Coordinator.
